Thursday, August 2

"Narcissus reflects"

Bucharest, July 29. Tineretului (“Youth”) Park. Darkness. A flame drifts on the lake: like the Holy Ghost on the Primordial Water before the Creation?... A man (he’s been “holding” the fire) takes shape from the surface of the water (magic border between Earth/Water and Air/Fire… or just the reflective, superficial layer of the water…), sits up, plays a little with the fire, then extinguishes it with water. He continues playing with the water, then starts washing himself with it.

Other flames on the water turn into beings: a woman washing clothes, a man mopping the floor. The activities diversify (but don’t leave the realm of the ordinary) as the lacustrine stage gets steadily populated with more characters.

[Each character is lit by a reflector, powerful enough to make him/ her visible, and weak enough to not disperse the cosmic night: individual consciousness?...]

Soon, the lake is bustling with action, shouts, questions, talks. Coupled with the sometimes forming clusters of (2-4) characters, it looks like of a lot of inter-action is going on there. Actually… no. Each character is on a personal (be it mundane) quest, never to intersect – other than physically – with the others: an old guy wavers around, holding a gift, a lover searches for his (inexistent) half, a young mother pushes a baby stroller in the middle of the madness, a depressed woman lies in bed (when she’s not bursting into episodes of climbing into the stage-dominating tree: the Tree of Life, or World Tree, rooted in water – Materia Prima, Anima Mundi?...), a woman sells (narcissus) flowers, a man carries some stairs with him (climbing 3-4 stairs helps him “see” something high above), a guy maneuvers a lawn mower (there are narcissus flowers all around on the surface of the water…), etc.

More “characters” appear on the stage (no further need for “personalization”, as everybody here’s the same, no matter how different they may look): transparent (see-through…) dummies… Final frenzy of the absurdly drifting fragments: on this world-resembling stage, everybody just goes around, propelled by its own small impetus, unable to see anything else beyond (or anything else than – if reflected in the water, if you want) its individual limitations.

Bravo, Ilotopie.

P. S. Who’s Narcissus here?! The one in the title of the show, “Narcissus reflects”… Take some time and…reflect!… I have the feeling you’ve guessed right.

End of show. And... the show must (?) go on...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

splendid. pur si simplu foarte foarte frumos. si interesant.