Tuesday, April 29

sharp blurr

I like hazy pictures: the indefinite contours remind me how far from crisp sharp reality can be. Below the material shapes that deflect the thought into swift classification lie subsequent questions about… well… just about everything.

The first blurred picture that filled me with an unexpected excitement was the one with the bride, above. It was simply a ‘mistake’, just like any of my unintentionally unfocused/ shaken previous pictures. But somehow this one managed to break through the labeling surface into some usually unvisited depths.

I reckon though taking good blurry pictures is not that easy. After some experiments today, I assume I nevertheless have to start in the sharpness playground – from its crisp center I could then stroll towards fuzzier boundaries. And perhaps get back to what feels like the ‘right’ blur: sounds a lot like achieving sharpness itself – only in a deeper, less clear-cut layer of reality.

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