Thursday, April 26

New Newfoundland

Bucharest, April 26. At a local radio station, the mayor’s voice exhausts in a competent manner the list of “cultural activities” to be soon performed in Vienna by Romanian artists. The descriptive whirl of words that light up the imagination in short explosive bursts (“music”, “best”, “theatre”, and so) gains momentum, to the point it begins to randomly cannibalize on itself, leaving behind shredded entities -- though still managing to hold an almost normal poise – like “classic underground activities”. All in all, the solemn announcement backs up an important moment: the mayor is preparing the launch of – no more, no less than – the “Bucharest brand” in Vienna.

A few days ago, a promo (of some program) attempted to cut through the fluffy layers of spring innuendos that veiled my consciousness, and bring my feet down to the gloomy realities. It succeeded: “Al-Qaeda is a brand!” thundered the voice of a head’s back, lit by a lamp. End of promo.

A couple of months ago, a representative of the local authority of Brasov county (where Dracula’s castle is located) answered to those questioning the amount of public money (60 million Euros) he was eager to pay for the castle: “The castle is a brand!” With the price issue suddenly transferred into the field of brands, he courteously exemplified with Coca-Cola’s brand value.

Yes, a castle is no longer a castle. As a matter of fact, nothing is itself any longer. Everything has been relocated overnight to the ambiguous but welcoming new land of brands. You name it – you brand it. People are no longer people either. They’re brands, too. New land, new rules. Less known. Less fit for inquiries: most of the newly teleported residents are still trying to figure out what’s going on. But, not to worry: there are plenty of consultants and analysts to promptly help the audience with some more jargon. Still lost?... Don’t admit to that, it’ll make you look stupid. Just use the word “brand” whenever possible. And for maximum impact, or when in need for the ultimate argument (or insight, depending on the context), just use the sentence “X… is a brand!” and say no more.

1 comment:

corina's life coaching journey said...

actually this is not a comment related to the new newfounland but to your last ones related to childish.

funnily enough this is something I've been exploring myself in the last weeks. no, I did not rescue any flies or bees but I just took the time to observe what is going on around me, in my garden to be more precise.

why, am I willing to look at petals of flowers, at bees flying efortlessly from one flower to another? why am I so happy to see my first poppy in full bloom? why am I happy to just be in my garden?

probably like in your case is .......... awakening the child within, being aware again of the so called little things